Global Ministries

We believe that Jesus Christ commanded His church to go into all the world, preach the Gospel, baptize converts and organize them into local congregations. We believe that missions is to be the heartbeat of the church which He established.


Collene and Greg 2014 photo

Greg and Collene Kent

Missionaries to the Mi’Kmaq (mick maw) people in Atlantic Canada.

Click Here to get to know Greg and Collene

Shantelle Bruntsman

Shantelle Bruntsman

Missionary with Sifa Threads project in Tanzania, East Africa.

Click Here to get to know Shantelle

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Loyd & Candy Jackson

Missionaries with WonbyOne ministries in Harmons, Jamaica.

Click Here to get to know Loyd and Candy


Dan and Wendy Smith

Missionaries with Eleos Coffee in Kansas City, MO and Detroit, MI.

Click Here to get to know Dan and Wendy


 Tim and Barbara Downs

Missionaries to Ivory Coast

Click Here to get to know Tim and Barbara

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Peace Partnership

Counseling center that provides counseling and education services to financially disadvantaged families in the Kansas City area.